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King’s Kids is an international youth movement involving young people from 140 nations. It is the children’s and teenager’s expression of Youth With A Mission.
Since its beginning in 1976, King’s Kids has affected the lives of countless thousands of young people with its message of hope, God’s love and new life through Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to lead children, youth and families worldwide to know God in a proven way, bring Him joy and together make Him known to all peoples.

King's Kids is about a common vision, common values, and the willingness to nurture relationships and to build together. We are committed to:
phase 1
Camps and outreaches mobilize Christian young people, giving them opportunities to share their faith with others and to participate in extending the Kingdom of God.
Year round discipleship programs help young people and families to strengthen their relationship with God and live in a way that brings joy to His heart.
Phase 3
A variety of clubs, youth activity centers and street side church programs share the love of God with children and teens who have little or no contact with a Christian witness.
Phase 4
KK mercy ministries around the world are involved in practically serving the needs of young people such as street kids, orphans, children with Aids, child soldiers and teen prostitutes.

Values and Principles
We are a part of a bigger story
Youth With A Mission
YWAM is an international movement of Christians whose passion is to know God and to make Him known. Founded in 1960, YWAM's main goal was to equip youth for missions. Now the opportunity is available for ages to be involved in its three main ministries: training, evangelism, and mercy ministries.

YWAM Auckland
Te Ao Marama
YWAM Te Ao Marama is our partnering ministry who focuses on gathering, empowering, and multiplying people of all ages. They are committed to training and equipping those who want to be involved in missions.
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