Information Available In:
The English for Missions School is created for students to successfully communicate in the English language. Our desire is for students to be equipped and further receive training in missions, minister in English-speaking settings, and be more prepared to fulfill God’s calling on their lives.
Welcome to English for Missions online. In August 2022, we will be starting our third online class to not only learn English but also to help and build your calling into Missions. As a YWAM school, we are committed to serving and inspiring this generation to follow God’s heart and plan for their lives. So we invite you to come and taste and see that the Lord is good and be a part of our school.
The school will run for 7 weeks and a half, from Monday to Thursday.
2 hours per day. We will be looking at grammar, pronunciation, listening and speaking, reading and will have homework every week.
Cost: NZD$ 75 for the whole 7 weeks and a half.
For more information please contact us.
Welcome to English for Missions online. In August 2021, we will be starting an online class to not only learn English but also to help and build your calling into Missions. As a YWAM school we are committed to serving and inspiring this generation to follow God’s heart and plan for their lives. So we invite you to come and taste and see that the Lord is good and be a part of our school.
The school will run for 6 weeks from Monday to Friday. 2 hours per day. We will be looking at grammar, pronunciation, listening and speaking, reading and will have homework every week.
Cost: NZD$ 70 for the whole 6 weeks.
Welcome to English for Missions online. In August 2021, we will be starting an online class to not only learn English but also to help and build your calling into Missions. As a YWAM school we are committed to serving and inspiring this generation to follow God’s heart and plan for their lives. So we invite you to come and taste and see that the Lord is good and be a part of our school.
The school will run for 6 weeks from Monday to Friday. 2 hours per day. We will be looking at grammar, pronunciation, listening and speaking, reading and will have homework every week.
Cost: NZD$ 70 for the whole 6 weeks.
Bem-vindos ao English for Missions online; em Agosto de 2022, estaremos iniciando a nossa terceira escola online para não apenas aprender inglês, mas também para ajudar e construir seu chamado para missões. Como uma escola de JOCUM, estamos comprometidos em servir e inspirar esta geração a seguir o coração de Deus e planejar suas vidas. Por isso, convidamos você a vir provar e ver que o Senhor é bom e fazer parte da nossa escola.
A escola funcionará por 7 semanas e meia, de Segunda a Quinta Feira. 2 horas por dia. Estaremos examinando gramática, pronúncia, audição e conversação, leitura e teremos dever de casa todas as semanas.
Custo: NZD $ 75 para todas as 7 semanas e meia.
Para maiores informações entre em contato conosco.
Bienvenido a English for Missions en línea. En Agosto de 2022, comenzaremos nuestra tercero clase en línea no solo para aprender inglés, sino también para ayudar y desarrollar su llamado en las misiones. Como escuela de JUCUM, estamos comprometidos a servir e inspirar a esta generación a seguir el corazón de Dios y planificar sus vidas. Por eso te invitamos a que vengas y pruebes y veas que el Señor es bueno y seas parte de nuestra escuela.
La escuela tendrá una duración de 7 semanas y media, de Lunes a Jueves 2 horas al día. Examinaremos gramática, pronunciación, comprensión auditiva y expresión oral, lectura y tendremos tarea cada semana.
Costo: NZD $ 75 por las 7 semanas y media completas.
Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros.
English for Missions 온라인에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 2022년 8월, 선교에 대한 소명과 영어 학습을 돕고 구축하기 위해 세 번째 온라인 수업을 시작할 것입니다. YWAM 학교로서 우리는 이 세대가 그들의 삶을 향한 하나님의 마음과 계획을 따르도록 봉사하고 영감을 주기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 그러므로 우리는 여러분이 와서 맛보고 주님이 선하시며 우리 학교의 일부임을 확인하도록 초대합니다.
학교는 월요일부터 목요일까지 7주 반 동안 운영됩니다. 하루 2시간. 문법, 발음, 듣기 및 말하기, 읽기를 살펴보고 매주 숙제를 하게 됩니다.
비용: 전체 7주 반 동안 NZD$75
자세한 내용은 당사에 문의하십시오.